The new containment cap has been installed, but for some unspecified reason the integrity testing has been delayed. I hope and pray that this cap will stop the flow of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. I know I've been focused on this disaster for a while now, but I do remain very concerned that this crisis is not being taken seriously enough, especially in the Christian community. The water is becoming toxic, ocean life is being killed, and livelihoods are being devastated. Human folly is wreaking havoc with God's good creation. And look at the rate at which it is happening. Watch above to see how the oil is flowing according to the conservative estimate. Start moving the slider to see what the more realistic numbers look like.
Please join me in praying that the oil will stop gushing into the Gulf of Mexico. I'm hoping for the best with this new containment cap, but concerned that testing on Tuesday was delayed. God have mercy! Here is a suggested prayer:
We pray today for the preservation of the Gulf of Mexico
and the lands and waters it touches:
Please stop the oil from gushing into the ocean;
Give them success with this new containment cap.
Guide those who labour to contain the oil
that endangers the creatures of sea and land;
Strengthen those who work to protect them;
Have mercy on those whose livelihoods are suffering;
Forgive us for our carelessness in using the resources of
and give us wisdom and reverence so to manage them in the
that no one may suffer from our abuse of them,
and that generations yet to come may praise you
in the beauty of your creation;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(This prayer is a slightly revised version of a prayer written by the Rev. Canon Beverly Findley Gibson, subdean of Christ Church Cathedral in Mobile, Alabama.)